Other Wind
27 / March27 / March27 / March

First Weekend of Spring

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I like the fact that David and I were married the first Saturday of Spring. We celebrated our 2nd anniversary this past weekend. We went to Chattanooga for the main event, but the day before that we enjoyed a nice day walking around Knoxville.

I haven’t posted in a while. I’ve been pre-occupied with the War and other things. Sometimes, I catch myself lost in “other things” and realize how fortunate I am to have them when my mind overloads on the news and the debates. How strange it is to feel a happy hope—to look forward—and to fear at the same time. I have so many mixed feelings and thoughts about this War—I think most people who try to grasp the whole of the situation do. But worry is constant and so is hope.

The spring is still beautiful, though, and I find myself enjoying it and all the other good things in life.