Because of my affliction (which I discuss here), I can’t help but run to my co-workers, document in hand, whenever I discover a great old name among the early court records I’ve been processing. Yesterday it was Pleasant Payne. Yes, that’s right. Somehow, I don’t think it had the same effect in 1828. I guess people behaved better back then. (Yeah, I know. I don’t really think they did either. And we have plenty of court records to prove it.*)
The name is also spelled “Paine” on the record, which is even better (or worse, I should say, but I’m too childish).
*For instance, a few days ago, I found a case for slander in which a man said to another man, “You are a God-damned rascal and have stole my corn and fodder and I can prove it.” I love it.